The EPPS will take place in Bonn in the Plenary Building, formarly a seat of the German Parliament, The Bundestag, from 1992 until 1999 and currently part of the World Conference Center Bonn (WorldCCBonn). This exceptional event building is located along the river Rhine next to the UN Campus Bonn, for more details see historical facts.
Plenary Building of the World Conference Center Bonn
Platz der Vereinten Nationen 2
53113 Bonn
Some Historical facts
- In May 1949, Bonn is designated as provisional seat of the federal bodies. The Bundestag as the federal parliament convenes at the Pedagogical Academy.
- In late 1949 Bonn is declared the capital of the Federal Republic of Germany, and up until the 1980s the parliamentarians use the extension to the Academy’s former gymnasium as their meeting venue.
- In 1987, after many years of debate and planning, the old plenary hall is demolished. A new plenary hall is built according to the plans of architect Günter Behnisch.
- The construction works for the new plenary hall start in 1988; its inauguration takes place in 1992. During the construction phase the parliamentarians meet at the nearby waterworks.
- Ever since fall of 1999 the former plenary hall is part of the WorldCCBonn and can be rented for events of any kind.
3T tour throuh the plenary building

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